“Team Medical Dragon” Review – Best Medical Stories


This post is also filed under “Underrated Manga You Need To Read”.

What is it about?

Dr. Katou is an ambitious woman who seeks to revolutionize the corrupt and inefficient Japanese medical system from within by becoming a professor in a teaching hospital. She enlists a maverick surgeon, Dr. Asada Ryuutarou, to help her with research that would catapult her to a professorship should they succeed and publish.

However, Asada’s refusal to conform to the system soon threatens to destroy not only her plans but her entire career. Katou is prepared to do anything, including going along with the system, in order to achieve her end goal, but she begins to question whether she has gone too far as Asada’s actions bring many of the system’s shortcomings to light.

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“Re-Birthday Song ~ Koi Wa Utau Shinigami ~” Review – Otome Games With Feels Train


What is it about?

That song is an offering from the Reapers— a Requiem— very near the boundary between heaven and hell where one’s soul returns to. In that place is a school in which Reapers—beings that collect human souls— are developed and trained. Assembled as “Reaper Cadets” at this school is the heroine and her friends who were once human. There, all possessing the same aspiration of becoming a Reaper, cadets pair up with one another to study in order to become a fully fledged Reaper, but…

The heroine, Kokoro, wasn’t selected by anybody to be her partner as she performed poorly in all disciplines of Reaper study. As a result, she was grouped with other cadets that were falling behind, and was made to take special supplementary lessons. The other attendees of these supplementary lessons are fellow Reaper cadets. It’s filled with unique guys, all with their own reasons for attending the school.

Kokoro must choose one of the boys to become partners with, however… With her partner at her side, will she be able to become a full fledged Reaper?

Or… Will a single tale of love between two underachieving Reaper cadets be woven instead?

Continue reading ““Re-Birthday Song ~ Koi Wa Utau Shinigami ~” Review – Otome Games With Feels Train”

“The Record Of The Fallen Vampire” Review – Underrated Manga You Need To Read


What is it about?

There is a legend that tells of how the world was almost destroyed thousands of years ago by the vampire queen after she unleashed her latent powers. Despite their efforts, the humans were unable to defeat her, and thus resorted to sealing her away until the time came that they would be powerful enough to destroy the seal and kill her.

However, the humans are not the only ones after the seal.

Having cast aside his kingdom and betraying his own race and the dhampirs (half-vampires), the vampire king is persistantly searching, even to this day, for where his queen has been sealed away so he may break the seal and free her before the humans do. Fearing that once the king and queen are reunited, they shall continue to destroy the world together, the humans and dhampirs hunt the king, using any method possible.

Continue reading ““The Record Of The Fallen Vampire” Review – Underrated Manga You Need To Read”

“Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady With The Lamp” Review – Best Medical Stories


What is it about?

This webtoon is about Elise De Clorance, a rich and spoiled noble brat who makes everyone around her miserable to the point that even her own husband, the prince, ordered for her death! So when she was reborn in Korea, she decided to make up for her sins by becoming a surgeon who save lives.

Unfortunately for her, just when she was starting to finally becoming happy, she died for a second time and wakes up as Elise once again! Enlightened with the medical knowledge of a master surgeon, is this her chance to mend her past relationships and heal an ailing empire, or is fate sealed to repeat itself?

Continue reading ““Doctor Elise: The Royal Lady With The Lamp” Review – Best Medical Stories”

“The Abandoned Empress” Review – Best Father-Daughter Stories


What is it about?

“The Abandoned Empress” is a webtoon about Aristia, a proud daughter of House Monique, who was raised to become the next empress of the Castina Empire. But with the appearance of a mysterious new girl, everything has fallen apart: the Emperor has turned his back, and Aristia’s miserable life as a lower queen is cut short by death. However a second chance to change her fate sees her reborn ‒ to 7 years earlier!

Continue reading ““The Abandoned Empress” Review – Best Father-Daughter Stories”

“Who Made Me A Princess” Review – Best Father-Daughter Stories


What is it about?

“Who made me a Princess” is a webtoon about a woman waking up as “Athanasia”, the princess in the “novel” she was just reading. Unfortunately, according to the book, Athanasia is bound to be killed by the hands of her very own father – the emperor!

The story then dwells on Athanasia’s adventures and tactics to make sure she escapes her doomed fate – and that includes sweet-talking her way into her father’s frozen heart!

Continue reading ““Who Made Me A Princess” Review – Best Father-Daughter Stories”


Hello everybody! This is author Qiara Young and I welcome you all to my site “2DTalk”!

Okay, so some people here (maybe?) might know me from my other blog “The Fantasy Library”. I realized I have more chances of meeting people with wordpress so I decided to transfer a part of my blogs here, namely the 7-Questions recommendations where I recommend things through answering 7-Questions lol.

Anyway, I hope you stick with me and let’s have fun talking!


P.S. That Qiara’s Library Link above directs you to my old blog. In case you’re curious.